I knew this day would come, but still, there was a naïve, optimistic part of me that was hoping that it wouldn't get to this:
3rd on the ladder - not bad. Pretty good actually, considering my lack of knowledge about all things football, but I was still hoping that I would arse my way through the whole competition and come first.
Excuse the lack of blogging. It's not that I hate you, because firstly, I don't know who you are and don't know you well enough to make my initial, superficial judgements of you. According to my site meter though, I do know what ISP you're using, and what time you check my site, and whereabouts you are and stuff. Unfortunately not able to find stalker-y amounts of information on you, so just checking my site meter to find what kind of browser the few blog-readers are using is about as far as my voyeuristic hobby goes. Yeah, my hobby involves reading info about people who are reading info about me. Does that count as postmodern by the way? I know a friend who's embarrassing moment involved being asked to go in front of a group of people to talk about her most embarrassing moment, and having a non-embarassing story, which in turn, was embarassing. So if that was considered postmodern, does that make my hobby postmodern too?
You see, the whole point of my digression (which as people who know me well, is something I rarely do - that, and not being sarcastic) is to cover the fact I have little to update about - do have a job now, which is... interesting, but has made me especially aware of the fact that information I post online makes me instantly google-able... So anyways, I'll definitely have more stuff to blog about in the upcoming months...
But in the meantime, please enjoy this pointless video! I posted a version of this Algorithm March a while ago while I was in Japan, but found another version involving subtitles and a Japanese soccer team, and still cracks me up whenever I watch it - I already know all the moves, so feel free to study the moves in case the need for a well-coordinated march ever arises...