However, now that a few years have passed where I've visited the large touristy places, eaten more than I could possible imagine, and *sniff sniff* my much-cherished phone straps are now an endangered species, Buddhist Disneyland doesn't sound like that crazy of an idea. Also, with its reputation of being a photogenic spot, I felt kinda obliged to make a visit there to justify my SLR purchase last year, which has been gathering dust since for the past eight months or so. So, with friend in tow, it was off to Buddhist Disneyland, or as it is more commonly known, Okunoin.
I don't know what it is about the place, but despite it being a cemetery that's been in place for centuries and considered the largest graveyard in the country, it doesn't have the same vibe that makes me creeped out when I walk past cemeteries in other countries.