Thursday, November 16, 2006

i need something to blog about...

aah, it's back to the same problem I had with my first blog... my lack of things to blog about. I figured I'd be blogging more once I go overseas, but since I'm in between uni and overseas at the moment, my mind is blank. I would try to do one of those stream of thought type blogs but I don't think my thoughts are that insightful or witty enough to constitute that. I takes me ages to say something witty, and those witty thoughts are way too few and far between. Plus, I'd write them here, but it'd become one of those scenarios where it's only funny when you're there.

I did make an effort though to congratulate two guys I know on their new jobs as snackbar/ticket-sellers at Village Cinema. I just had to make sure I was the first one to congratulate them on becoming the newest Village People, but I don't think they really got it.

So, I'm just wondering, is there anyone who's reading this blog? Well, other than me-from-the-future, I guess. But everyone else, what's the wittiest thing you've said lately?

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