Tuesday, July 31, 2007

smack that, all on the floor...

It's a little scary what come out when you've been drinking. Who knew the lyrics to Akon's Smack That, including Eminem's rap, were ingrained in my head? Yeah, Karaoke and all you can drink really does that for you. 

For anyone who's already missing me for my outstanding singing skills, here's a couple of the songs that were "sung" (I use that term liberally) - Rihanna's Umbrella, Build Me Up Buttercup, and yes, there was a Backstreet Boys song fit in there as well. 

Sunday, July 29, 2007

landed in japan

Meh. too tired to blog so I'll keep this short - Flew overnight from Sydney to Tokyo, so arrived at the airport at around 7:00am - we got to the hotel around 9:00, but since the rooms weren't ready to check into, just been walking around the city for around 4 hours finding places to eat... 

Anyways, cool food of the day was Pizza-la - Prawn Mayo Pizza-flavoured Doritos. Weird. But Kinda Prawn Crackery. and Corny. I'll post a pic of it once I get my camera cord...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

matrix date

Aah, Japanese TV - you never disappoint. If it isn't a wacky gameshow where people are punished for wrong answers by being farted on bare-butted (which evidently can lead to pink eye), human tetris, or a dancing tree and weird sperm-dude singing a song for curry, then it's a cool live action matrix-esque date.

While I am doing the going to Japan freak out thing, this at least gives me something to be excited about...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Knocked Up

Knocked Up - way better than the overhyped 40 Year-Old Virgin.  I don't know if it was the spontaneous decision to see the movie (and thus little to no expectations or anticipation) that made it funny, but I thought it hilarious - Probably not as rewatchable as Dodgeball or Zoolander, but awesome nonetheless.

I think I also partially enjoyed it because I've finally discovered the female equivalent to the "frank and beans" scene in There's Something About Mary - you know, the scene at the start of the movie that invokes the strong reaction from all guys. Some girls don't fully understand why guys squirm and nervously cross their legs (if they're not in a fetal position squealing already) when they watch the Mary bathroom scene. But now there's Knocked Up's more-graphic-than-you'd-expect giving birth scene to bring the same feeling of uneasiness to those of the opposite sex. 

One thing that kinda bugged me was the same thing that bugs me in clichéd sitcoms - Katherine Heigl is so out of the main guy's league! It took me the first third of the movie to get over that inconsistency and appreciate the movie. 

Saturday, July 07, 2007

two too many mango puddings later...

I don't know what it is about the premise of nearly-limitless food, but I don't know many people who would say no to the idea. Even if the food isn't that good. In fact, when people think of buffet food, most people's expectations in food quality drop when they know there's vast amounts lukewarm, semi-questionable seconds (and thirds, fourths, and sevenths). 

On a totally unrelated note, I went to all-you-can-eat yum-cha today! only $16.50 per person! It was awesome! I so wanna go there again!