I don't know who to blame it on, but while I'm here, I've felt the urge to eat excessive amounts of sushi - I'm not too sure if it's just the fact that i'm in Japan, so it seems like the thing to do, or if it's because I've been telling my students that it's my favourite food, and so to not eat it would be a disservice to them - It's hard to explain to kids who can't speak English that good (and want to learn other stuff good too) that I like a variety of foods, and my favourite colour depends on what day you ask me, and that I don't actually like sport that much, but feel the need to pick one because I'm asked all the time, which is why I say "tennis"... So this pressure makes me feel obliged to like sushi more and contemplate actually playing tennis soon.
But anyways, I'm really just looking for any excuse to try new foods, or eat more sushi, so I was uber excited to find a sushi train restaurant within biking distance of my place. I think one of the cool things I've found out about Japan is that I have little to no knowledge of what makes a good Japanese food here, so I've found I've hardly been disappointed with any food adventures. It may be because I have little to no knowledge of what constitutes a good restaurant or good Japanese food here in Japan, so I can't be disappointed.

So surprisingly, the sushi restaurant we visited the other day was awesome - Me & Kiri had a day off from school so decided to trek to our beloved sushi place. I'm a huge fan since they have fairly fancypants sushi at ridiculously cheap prices - only ¥105 per plate for 2 pieces of sushi, and with types of sushi like sweet prawn, raw octopus, squid, pan-fried salmon, scallop carpaccio, I can't find much to complain about.

I figured trying some of this fancy sushi I've never tried before would fulfil my Japanese quotient of the day.

The best part of the restaurant is that it's meant to be a family-friendly restuarant, so in between the wasabi-flavoured scallop and sea urchin, there's plates of takoyaki, hello kitty juice boxes, and hamburger sushi for kids as well!

The sushi place, being a chain, is completely automated - apparntly they use machines to prepare the rice and cut the fish for the sushi as well, but I so can't taste the difference so I'm not too fussed. Along with the fast-food-like sushi comes with the automated intercom, so you if there's any type of sushi you want to order, you can just use the intercom to request specific food from the people in the back...

And they put it on a special plate for you on the conveyer belt! This one's what we ordered from our table number 24...

10 plates later, and completely full from sushi, but totally worth it.

Finishing's also pretty cool, since you press the special button to summon a waiter to count how many plates you ate and to give you your bill - only ¥1050 all up! I love Japanese culture...

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