Monday, March 30, 2009

it's nalin

Oh, Special Education helper teacher, how I'll miss you. First, you made the effort to talk to me and say hi, and invited me (though possibly tokenly, I'm still unsure) to use your house in Okayama if I ever went there. And on top of that, you actually helped me when I was "teaching" the Special Education class, as opposed to the Special Education homeroom teacher, who would normally sit behind his desk and be oblivious to the fact that all 3 boys with behavioural disorders would be screaming, shouting, breaking things, and throwing things at me.

And you invited me to your house to meet your family, and prepared a huge feast. You even told your husband that I was Australian and my parents were Thai, so he could buy Fosters and Singha for me while I ate your really awesome sukiyaki.

And, to top it all off, you made me this really cool keychain as a farewell present:

And although you did me ask me afterwards if my name was spelt right, and I lied and said that it was, I really appreciate the gift. I just didn't have the heart to tell you that it's not with an 'L', and hoped that you leaving the school would mean you wouldn't have to notice this mistake. I really hope you know how much I like the keystrap. And, that you never stumble upon this blog either.

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