Wednesday, June 13, 2007

jetsetting to japan

It's now pretty much official - I'm going to Japan to teach English! I've handed my letter of resignation at work, and making a list of stuff to buy and do before I leave in 44 days, 17 hours 43 minutes, and 37 seconds. It hasn't really sunk in that I'll be moving my whole life to a whole nother country knowing next to no one, but I think that will come once it gets closer to the flight - It didn't even strike me that I was going to go to Korea until I landed in the country and took a 3 hour bus ride to Jeonju last time, so maybe I should expect the same thing this time around.

There's already a huge list of things I have to do before I go - exchange all my money into Yen (since I don't know how rural the place I'm going to is, and may not have any banks or ATMs nearby), get an international driver's license, a Power of Attorney, catch up with everyone, and you know, get my affairs in order and stuff...

...And by "affairs", I just mean downloading the last few episodes of Grey's Anatomy that I may miss, as well as the next season of The Amazing Race.

But don't worry, not all my affairs are seemingly useless and a pointless waste of time - In preparation for the huge void that I will inevitably leave in your lives, I've created a cybertwin, who I'm in the middle of training to be a replacement me for emergency situations. Sure, he won't be much help when there's food to be eaten and things that are out of reach for the vertically challenged, but hopefully he'll be able to answer any question you have...

As long as it's basic. And about liking cheese.

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