Sunday, August 09, 2009

escape from zombie island

Okay, so we weren't exactly trapped on the island, and it wasn't exactly littered with the living undead. But still, stepping off the boat onto Gunkanjima kinda felt like we were stepping off onto the perfect setting for the next Japanese horror movie.

Seriously, with a name like "warship island", the possibilities are endless! It's a little somewhat disappointing to hear the actual history of the place: It was an uninhabited island until the early 1910s, when they decided to mine the coal from the island until resources ran out, and abandoned it in 1974. Although, it does boast the world's first concrete building, as well as being in its peak, the most densely populated area in the world (about 9 times more populated than Tokyo).

Since it's still relatively obscure, the city of Nagasaki should've made something up to increase its draw of tourists or something. I'm sure that telling tourists that reason it became abandoned was because of the miners uncovering a zombie or curse would be much better.

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