Wednesday, August 05, 2009

mii business cards

Okay, so I don't have a business per se, but I just figured I should get some business cards in Japan. After all, people seem to use them here more often than back home when they meet friends and stuff like that. I guess it makes sense, since Japanese writing system isn't completely phonetic, and so just after hearing how someone says their name doesn't mean you'll be able to write down their name properly either. Plus, people's mobiles have their own number and email address, so you can't SMS someone using their phone number. And some phone emails aren't the easiest to remember. A friend of mine has an email address that has 15 periods right in the middle of the address. Just because. So yeah, business cards seemed like the way to go.

And what better way to get business cards than to get them from my Wii? They were free after all, and, at least if they're professionally printed, they should come out better than my failed attempt to make my own before coming to Japan. Sure, it did involve me having to buy enough Nintendo software and stuff to get enough points to redeem for my 30 cards, but they're totally worth it.

Now all I need to do is find someone who actually needs a business card from me. Any takers?

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