Every other year, when it comes to spring vacation in Japan, I sit at my desk with absolutely nothing to do. It's in between school years, and so without knowing what the plans are for the next school year I sit at my desk and try to look like I'm keeping myself busy, so other teachers don't judge me and think of me as a waste of government money.
This year, however, is different. Since I'm switching schools, I've had to clear out my desk, which is much harder than it sounds. Not only have I got my own crap to get rid of, I've also got about 10 years worth of 'resources' that have been left around from previous Assistant Teachers. There's fake money from the UK, Canada, and the US in there - something that most people don't use but are probably too afraid to throw away just in case the next teacher that comes along happens to be from one of those countries. I also have a fake mobile phone, which I can kinda see how it counts as an educational resource, and a toy plastic shotgun, which I'm still struggling to justify how it could ever be used for educational purposes, but following tradition, I can't bring myself to throw it out, you know, just in case.
I've also got token farewell presents for each teacher sitting in my desk, which I'm wondering when I should pass out. I was thinking of giving it to just the teachers who have spoken to me, but afraid of the leers from other teachers who have not made it on my 'favourite teacher' list, have caved and got token presents for all the teachers. But that doesn't mean I'm still afraid to give them out. I just want to avoid the awkward farewell speeches that may follow from every teacher when I do give them out.
And, the biggest difference of course, is that I've got nothing to do at all. And with a completely empty desk, it's hard to even make it look like I have things to do. So since I'm technically obliged to be here til tomorrow, what the hell am I supposed to do? I'm tempted to leave as soon as I can, and hope that no one else will notice or even care that I'm not here when I should be. After all, when will I ever see them again after I move schools?
Okay, that's it. I'm going home. Well, once the judging leers from the other teachers stop and I can give out my farewell presents. But yeah, once that leering stops, I'm totally out of here.
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