Sunday, August 19, 2007

obon week updates

Meh. You'd think after spending 2 hours trying to set up wireless internet and actually working, I'd be going nonstop and blogging like crazy. But now I've got a whole day I put aside to facebook and stuff, I find myself at a lost of what to do - I think it's a sense of being overwhelmed now that I have finally got the internet after not having access for like 2 weeks. But I can't be bothered linking lots of words together that wouldn't bore people, so I'll keep this short.
  • Mango Citrus Mentos = Awesome. I had to stop my boycott of Mentos (stupid mentos nipple guy), but worth it. Plus, it fills my "Must eat/do something you can only get in Japan" quotient for the day.
  • There's a Motosu city theme song, which is pumped through the speakers every night at 6, which you can hear from my place. Was kinda expecting to hear anti-American propoganda following the song though. Also, everyone loves the song. I went to a concert last night, and the song was performed 3 times within the span of 3 hours.
  • Fireworks are everywhere - I went to see a fireworks show that went for 2 hours, and you get lots of freebie fireworks from random stores - like when we signed up for internet. Most are like glorified sparklers, but there are some which are kinda like mini bazookas that shoot out fireworks rockets every few seconds..Despite my paranoia of blowing off my face, it's awesome! Yay burning things!
  • Karaoked again - Mr Brightside, Don't Lie & Obligatory Maroon 5 song... Is it sad that I'm already planning what songs I want to do next time? Maybe you shouldn't answer that...

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