Monday, December 03, 2007

oshiri kajiri mushi...

So, it's been two full weekends since my last blog, and What do I have to show for it?

  • A scarf, and two pairs of gloves - I realised after riding my bike to school one wet, sub 5˚ morning that I really needed to buy more winter weather accessories. And, never seeing the snow much in Melbourne, decided I needed to make my first ever purchase of a scarf. The only one I had beforehand was a Footscray Bulldogs scarf, which was rarely used because:
    a) It's never really scarf-worthy weather in Melbourne,
    b) Surprisingly, I never really felt an urge to show everyone which AFL team I barracked for, or even let people know that I actually, at one point in time, did follow the AFL, albeit superficially and purely because I liked dogs and the colours red and blue when I actually did follow the AFL, and
    c) I'm not a bogan.
    I also ended up with two pairs of gloves - not because I felt the need to have options to coordinate with what I wore each day, but since I didn't expect to find any gloves I liked and bought a cheap arse pair that I thought I were okay. That was, until I found a cooler, more expensive pair of leather gloves in another store 10 minutes later.
  • A Paper Doll - "Meh, I've done origami before, a paper doll can't be that hard!"
    One deflated ego, and two hours later, resulted in this: Turns out paper doll, not as origamiy as I thought. And, I found out that I have issues differentiating an inch from a centimetre, which doesn't make the art of making paper dolls any easier.
  • A Japanese song stuck in my head. After Karaoke last week (yes, I went again, and please don't judge me - I got tricked into doing all these things! stupid Japan!) Our usual trip was a little different this time since we went with a Japanese guy who didn't speak that much English. Not wanting him to feel out of the loop, I tried to sing a Japanese song, and turns out, I don't know that many. The only ones I do know happen to be both kid's songs - one from 2000, and the other one, a huge hit at the moment... So much so that it's now even got it's own dance. You know how when you don't know all the words to a song, only the few words you know play through your head, which eventually drives you insane? Well, it seems to happen a lot in Japan, since I can't understand most of the words, and this song just feels like I should know more to the song, but what I know is pretty much it.... "Oshiri kajiri mushi...." dammit!
  • A butt groove on my kotatsu chair. Due to a lack of central heating in Japan and my paranoia about using a kerosene heater, my saviour is my trusty ol' kotatsu. It's like a coffee table, with a blanket underneath the top table bit that drapes over the edges and underneath the table top and blanket is a mini heater, so as you sit underneath the table, your feet stay warm, and the heat stays in thanks to the blankets. Mmm.... toasty... I so am not looking forward to my next electricity bill.
  • Resentment towards TV networks. If it weren't for the Writer's Strikes, I wouldn't have sat through a season-long Heroes marathon. It only would have been an 10 episode marathan of Heroes instead. Now not only am I more yay-Heroes, but I'm annoyed that this next episode that's only meant to tie up the current storyline is now serving as the season finale. Booo.

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