Didn't really expect to be eating just non-Korean food on my first day in Korea. I had this bread-cakey thing my host teacher bought for me for breakfast/lunch, and then for dinner, she was taking me to an Italian restaurant? What, no kim-chi? We are in the land of Kim-chi after all...
But after eating at Gran Piatta, my concerns were put to rest straight away - I ordered a "Korean-inspired" octopus risotto, while everyone else ordered pasta and veal. After an entree of soup, we were served a side of freakishly-sweet Asian bread, and kim-chi! Wow, kim-chi land doesn't disappoint!
my "risotto" wasn't very risotto-y either - I thought it'd be all mixed together and have a creamy sauce or something, but it was just a stir-fry with a side of rice, and also a side of Korean noodles - not mixed together or anything! it was freakishly spicy as well - couldn't end up finishing it because I went all red and stuff.
thinking my night at the Italian restaurant couldn't be any more culture shocky, I went to the toilets, and found ice in the urinal... not like an ice block, but like someone emptied a bag of ice into all of the urinals. WHY? Why would you need to cool it down!?

Oh well, guess I have little else to be surprised about when I try "real" Korean food. Bring on the Kim-chi!
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